Paul Gabrielides was the husband of Annie Gabrielides, who was the ‘face’ of Dying with Dignity NSW’s 2017 campaign for the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill (2017). Annie started the petition on “Don’t leave me trapped in a dying body – allow me to die peacefully” which received over 115,000 signatures. She lost her battle with Motor Neurone Disease in January.
Paul was at Annie’s side all through 2017 as she campaigned for voluntary assisted dying laws to be made legal in NSW. Despite Annie’s death, Paul has not given up. He has announced that he is going to run as a candidate for the Voluntary Euthanasia Party (NSW) in the state election in March 2019. Paul will join the VEP (NSW) lead candidate, Shayne Higson, and 13 other candidates trying to get a spot for the party in the Upper House.

Paul Gabrielides and Shayne Higson of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party (NSW)
See ABC News article 14 June 2018 by Brigid Glanville ‘NSW man joins Voluntary Euthanasia Party at the next NSW election after vow to his dying wife‘
and Sydney Morning Herald article 13 June 2018 by Lisa Visentin ‘Paul Gabrielides fights to keep the promise he made to his dying wife‘
Paul Gabrielides has communicated with all those who signed Annie’s Gabrielides‘s 2017 petition, by sending out the following update:
Stand By Me
13 June 2018
Hi Everyone,
Sorry that it’s taken a while to respond, but as you can imagine things have been rather difficult. Unfortunately my darling Anne’s adventure with MND has come to an end. She passed away in January. I wish I could tell you that she had a peaceful and good death, but that was not the reality. Despite the wonderful assistance and support of the tremendous and compassionate team of palliative care nurses and doctors, Anne did not have a peaceful death.
I made Anne two promises. The first one, that she would not suffer a bad death, I was not able to keep, and this will burn a hole in my heart for the rest of my time. I am not the kind of man who breaks promises, so having broken the first promise, I have no intention of breaking the second one. I promised Anne that I will, like her, leave nothing in reserve in my fight to ensure this law is changed, and the people of our state and our nation achieve SELF-DETERMINATION.
So as you can see, this fight is by no means over. If I can’t change it from the outside, I will change the bloody thing from the inside. I plan on charging head long into politics, but I need you to also step up and out from behind Anne and get into the fight with me. Don’t wish me luck and turn away, don’t even wish me luck. Luck has nothing to do with it, nor does magic, superstition, crossing your fingers or shouting at the politicians through the television – they can’t hear you!
There is a state election coming up in NSW in March next year and I am not going to sit on the sidelines anymore. I plan to run as a candidate for the Voluntary Euthanasia Party.
If you BELONG to the 85% of Australians who support Voluntary Assisted Dying and believe in Equality of Opportunity and Self-Determination, then JOIN ME
STAND WITH ME: Raise your hand and tell me that you will VOTE ME into the Upper House and I will continue the fight that Anne started.
STAND WITH ME: Dip into your pockets and DONATE to ensure that those who are willing to fight for you, WIN.
STAND WITH ME: Volunteer your thumbs as Social Media Warriors #VAD #AssistedDying #SelfDetermination #EqualityOfOpportunity
We have to win back our right to SELF-DETERMINATION and we have to ensure that we create a reality of EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY.
MY LIFE MY CHOICE is not a campaign slogan it’s our Essence.
Paul Gabrielides