On Wednesday 2 August 2023, Dying with Dignity NSW hosted a very informative webinar entitled - End of Life Doulas - Bridging the gaps in care.
We were delighted to have three very experienced guest speakers, Helen Callanan, Carolyn Vaughan and Jancine Hurst explaining the role of End of Life Doulas. Over 320 people participated, with many more expressing an interest in watching the recording.
You can watch the full webinar below.
When someone receives a diagnosis of a life-limiting or terminal illness or is ageing, it can be a lonely, confusing and confronting time for them and those close to them. There is often so much to manage and many choices to make. Knowing what options are available and feeling empowered to make decisions can make a significant difference to all involved.
I am sure we all came away from this latest webinar with a greater understanding of the potential support that can be provided by an End of Life Doula.
More useful resources
Finding an End of Life Doula
Here are links to a number of websites with contact details for End of Life Doulas in NSW
Preparing the Way - preparingtheway.com.au
End of Life Doula Directory - endoflifedouladirectory.com.au
Australian Doula College - australiandoulacollege.com.au
Natural Death Advocacy Network - ndan.com.au
Becoming an End of Life Doula - Preparing the Way
If you are interesting in becoming an End of Life Doula you can find out more about the training programs at the Preparing the Way website.
Preparing the Way - preparingtheway.com.au/end-of-life-doula-training/
For more information, email them directly at [email protected].