Fatal Fraud – A film about a film

In 2018 opponents of voluntary assisted dying released a documentary made by Canadian filmmaker Kevin Dunn called Fatal Flaws. While it purports to be an independent, factual documentary about the dangers of voluntary assisted dying and voluntary euthanasia, according to Go Gentle Australia, and other supporters of VAD, it is actually ‘a very clever piece of propaganda.’ Fatal Flaws does not show a balanced view and it fails to disclose the full story about its “experts”, what motivates them and how they are connected. It has been shown to MPs, our Australian elected representatives, in an effort to influence the debate about Voluntary Assisted Dying laws.

In response to Fatal Flaws, Andrew Denton produced Fatal Fraud – a film about a film. Fatal Fraud is a case study about techniques used by opponents against evidence-based public policy initiatives. In this film, Andrew Denton explains with the help of leading experts how emotional manipulation, fear, framing and omission are deployed to sow Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt in the minds of legislators and the public.

You can view Fatal Fraud on the Go Gentle Australia website here.

Go Gentle Australia, and all the state Dying with Dignity organisation, believe the voluntary assisted dying debates should be open and honest, and based on the best evidence available. Over the past years, Go Gentle Australia has collected just that: peer reviewed, carefully analysed and well-established facts that show the full picture. They have made this available in their e-books, which you can order for free from their web shop, including one titled A propaganda case study: Fatal Flaws.