Our Autumn 2022 Newsletter aims to bring everyone up-to-date with the latest developments in New South Wales as well as news from across Australia and around the world.
We are now on the cusp of success in what has been a decades long fight for the right to die with dignity in NSW. You can read about developments in the campaign since our last newsletter including reports on the Upper House Inquiry, introduction of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill in the NSW Upper House, our “They Died Waiting” campaign and the successful rallies that helped achieve a decent amount of debate time for the Bill in March.
This newsletter also includes a heart-breaking story written by Sophie Black about Sue Walton (one of our passionate supporters) who had vowed to be with her terminally ill daughter when she decided to end her life. But NSW laws against voluntary assisted dying kept them apart.
Click to download – Dying with Dignity NSW Autumn 2022 Newsletter