35 Letters is a feature length documentary produced by Ikandy films and directed by Janine Hosking. The film is an inventive and deeply moving account of 31-year-old Melbourne writer Angelique Flowers in the last phases of her terminal illness, as she struggles to find a peaceful way to die

On Michelle Flowers’ 35th birthday she received a bundle of letters from her younger sister Angelique. The letters expressed Angelique’s love of nature, art and literature, and most of all her unique and joyful personality, despite suffering from a painful disease since her mid-teens. A year on, she’s in the last phases of terminal illness, and is struggling to find a peaceful way to die. Janine Hosking’s innovative and moving film follows Angelique’s final months as she struggles to find grace in an inflexible health care system.

35 Letters premiered at the 2014 Sydney Film Festival where it won the Documentary Australia Foundation Award for Australian Documentary

80 minutes