Dying with Dignity NSW were delighted that the Lower House debate of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 was finalised before Parliament ended for the year and that the Bill passed with a decisive majority of 52 votes to 32.
Many of our supporters watched the live streaming of the debate but for those who missed the debate we have provided the Second Reading speeches of those MPs who spoke in support of the legislation and those who spoke against (see the table below).
Not every MP spoke on the VAD Bill but if you hover over the MP’s name in the table it will turn into a link that you can click to access their speech.
Although the final vote was 52-32, we know from the Second Reading speeches that fifty-five MPs supported the VAD Bill and thirty-six MPs opposed it.
If you would like to send your MP a message you can use our online tool by clicking the blue button below.
For those who supported the Bill: Thank them for their compassion and commitment to representing the views of their electorate.
For those who opposed the Bill: You might express your disappointment and let them know that they do not represent your views or those of the majority of their constituents or the people of NSW. Please make sure you are polite and respectful.
MPs are accountable to their electorates and it is important for them to hear from their constituents.
The VAD Bill will be debated in the NSW Upper House in February next year.