Our Spring 2022 Newsletter aims to bring everyone up-to-date with the latest developments in New South Wales as well as news from across Australia and around the world.
By now, you will be aware that the NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Bill was finally passed into law on Thursday 19 May 2022. The new law takes effect on 28th November 2023, after an 18 month implementation period. This was the culmination of decades of persistent lobbying and hard work from many people, not least, the wonderful supporters of Dying with Dignity NSW.
You can read about the final stages of the campaign and find out exactly who will be eligible, once the law takes effect. We have included a flow chart of the process to assess VAD.
We have also outlined our new strategy which will guide us through the period leading up to the implementation of the VAD law and our on-going activities once VAD is available to dying people in NSW. At the core of our strategy is ensuring that the VAD regime works as intended and is accessible to those who need it, regardless of where they live. We must also ensure that people are aware of their end-of-life rights and have their choices respected.
This newsletter also includes an invitation to the launch of a new book titled Evil Conjecture by Dr Stephen Edwards.
Click to download – DWD NSW Spring 2022 Newsletter